
Ensuring Equal Access to the Mail-In Ballot Box

Abstract Mail voting has emerged as the top policy solution to voting amid the COVID-19 pandemic.  But not all mail voting schemes are created equal.  Implemented improperly, vote-by-mail can disproportionately disenfranchise many of the same voters at highest risk of contracting and subsequently dying from the virus.  From voter identity verification to language access, jurisdictions...

Voter Identification and the Forgotten Civil Rights Amendment: Why the Court Should Revive the Twenty-Fourth Amendment

Abstract Since Reconstruction, states have passed laws to limit the power of those traditionally not permitted to vote (i.e. not white men). These barriers on the right to vote include, inter alia, the payment of poll taxes, which were often required months in advance of an election. In 1964, prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, three-quarters of the States...